Let's Learn: General Security & Email Best Practices

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Age Group:

Registration for this event will be open from July 3, 2024 @ 10:30am to July 24, 2024 @ 10:30am.
Allowed Ages: 18 to Over 18

Program Description

Event Details

Join us for this session in the "Let's Learn" technology series! To register, please fill out the registration form on this page or call the library at (830) 438-4864.

During this class, we'll be covering:

General Security & Email Best Practices: Basics on how to protect yourself in this "Digital Age".

Wondering just how safe it is to browse the web openly and download apps on your phone? Don’t know if an email is really from Amazon or not? Curious to know what you are agreeing to when you click “accept” on your apps? Well, as much as the internet is the “wild wild west” there are simple things you can do to protect yourself, and there are some best practices you can follow to keep those “black hats” out of your personal files.

Let’s learn about some general security risks that exist in this “digital age” and some simple ways to avoid them. Then we will put our learnings into practice during class, have time for a bit of Q&A, and answer some individual questions from you and your fellow classmates.

Topics discussed during this class:

  • Safe searching practices
  • How to know the website is “legitimate”
  • When is it safe to give personal information and/or make a purchase
  • Should I open that email… signs it is dangerous (without even opening it)
  • Some additional security measures you might want to look into

Not every Let's Learn tech class requires the use of a digital device, but it is recommended that you bring in your own personal device(s) if you have a specific question or desire individual (on-topic) help concerning your device. If you do not have a device to bring to the class, please let us know on this registration form so that we can plan to make one of the library's laptops available during the class. The library's laptops use Microsoft's Windows operating system.


Registration Required

Registration for this event is required.


The library makes every effort to ensure a welcoming and accessible environment. We can provide accommodations for people with disabilities or food allergies at library events. Please contact programs@mfplibrary.org at least seven days before the event to request accommodations.

Age Guidelines

Successful library programs are designed with age in mind. Please note this program’s age guidelines will be enforced for all active participants.