Sun Safety & Hydration

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Age Group:

Registration for this event will close on April 16, 2025 @ 12:00pm.
Allowed Ages: 18 to Over 18
There are 30 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Get ready for the summer months by joining us for a presentation on sun safety! In this educational session, we'll learn about skin cancer risk factors, warning sings, screening and detection, and how you can reduce your risk. We'll also learn some tips on staying hydrated while you're out in the sun.

This program is provided in collaboration with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Comal County and Methodist Health Ministries.


Registration Required

Registration for this event is required.


The library makes every effort to ensure a welcoming and accessible environment. We can provide accommodations for people with disabilities or food allergies at library events. Please contact at least seven days before the event to request accommodations.

Age Guidelines

Successful library programs are designed with age in mind. Please note this program’s age guidelines will be enforced for all active participants.

Photo Permission

Library workers often take pictures during library programs to use in promotional materials and online. If you do not want your photo used, contact


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